Mark Delaere
Een kleine muziekgeschiedenis van hier en nu
Commissioned by MATRIX [New Music Centre] Mark Delaere, professor of Musicology at KU Leuven, has compiled a Little history of music of here and now [Een kleine muziekgeschiedenis van hier en nu]. The book offers a handy introduction to new aesthetic tendencies in classical music since 1950. It discusses eight historical movements and just as many thematic ‘signposts’, that offer the reader a cross section of the contemporary musical landscape on the basis of, for example, the role of the internet, sampling, multimediality or or the phenomenon of ‘conceptual music’. The book rests on the expertise of a dozen authors. Most of them teach musicology or music at universities and conservatories in the Netherlands and in Belgium. Above all, they’re all infatuated with contemporary music. As such, the book isn’t meant to be but a handbook for students of music, it’s also aimed at a broad audience of curious amateurs of culture and (future) listeners of contemporary music.
Een kleine muziekgeschiedenis van hie ren nu. Nieuwe esthetische tendensen in de klassieke muziek sinds 1950 will be published by Pelckmans Pro late september.
Door MATRIX [Centrum Voor Nieuwe Muziek] / Uitgeverij Pelckmans Pro