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Artistieke drijfveren

Beyond the Imperative of Pleasure

More and more in the last few years, classical music has been increasingly promoted something purely to enjoy. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying something in and of itself, but perhaps we might be just a tiny bit more ambitious. After all, music has more to offer, and people do too. Festival 20·21’s aim is to encourage that tiny bit of ambition – of course, keeping open ears and an open mind.

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Artistieke drijfveren

Partytime (as usual)

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1874 was a vintage year for Western music. Vienna saw the birth of Arnold Schoenberg – on 13 September, exactly 150 years ago – whose leap into atonality permanently shifted the boundaries of our musical consciousness.

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Taste the atmosphere of the festival concerts

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Taste the atmosphere of the festival concerts

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