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Elisa Medinilla, Jan Michiels, Barbara Baltussen

Frank Nuyts

We’re in the 21st century now, so why would you still be writing a piano sonata? For Frank Nuyts, that question seems irrelevant. A better one is why write one piano sonata when you can simply write 24 of them? With his 24 sonatas, Frank Nuyts has added a chapter to the piano repertoire that is as inventive as it is dazzling (and voluminous). To give you an appropriate picture of Nuyts’ effervescent musical crea- tivity, we present three sonatas, each played by the pianist for whom it was written: Elisa Medinilla, Jan Michiels and Barbara Baltussen. Three pianists, three sonatas (and a multiplicity of musical ideas) for the price of a single concert.

Sat 19 Oct · 14:00


Nuyts: Sonatas no. 8, no. 16, no. 24

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Maarten Beirens & componisten

Sat 19 Oct · 16:00


Elisa Medinilla

Elisa Medinilla

The first year of Elisa Medinilla's musical career under the spirited and unconventional mentorship of pianist Claude Coppens laid the foundation of her relentless enthusiasm for new music. In 2012, she obtained a postgraduate degree in “soloist contemporary music” from the school of Arts in Ghent. Since its origin she has been a permanent member of Nadar Ensemble. Her special interest in new performance practices and strategies led to many other close collaborations.

Jan Michiels

Jan Michiels

Pianist Jan Michiels staat bekend om zijn zeer persoonlijke en veelgelaagde omgang met het pianorepertoire, door oud en nieuw in telkens wijzigende perspectieven te combineren. Hij geeft zijn programma’s vorm vanuit een voortdurende dialoog met de levende muziekgeschiedenis. Zo werkte Michiels intens samen met componisten als György Kurtág, Karel Goeyvaerts en Kris Defoort.

Barbara Baltussen

Barbara Baltussen

Barbara Baltussen consciously chooses to be as broadly active as possible as a pianist in various fields, creating a constant cross-pollination between them. Thus, she is active as a teacher, accompanist, chamber musician and soloist. Baltussen is a founding member of Trio Khaldei, which brings music of the past and present into dialogue and confrontation with each other.


Frank Nuyts

Frank Nuyts

Frank Nuyts (°1957, Ostend) studied percussion and chamber music at the Ghent Conservatory and composition at the IPEM in Ghent with Lucien Goethals. He wrote his first works in a post-serial style. From the 1980s, he joined the post-modern movement, with influences from non-classical music genres. Nuyts wrote piano sonatas, orchestral works, chamber operas, vocal works and compositions for large crossover ensembles, among others.


€ 16

Elisa Medinilla, Jan Michiels, Barbara Baltussen Sat 19 Oct 2024 · 14:00
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